FAR Committee – Establishment and Membership
Appointment | Name |
CEO | Steve Price |
Director | Catherine Da Silva |
Director | Robert Lobatto |
Director | Charlotte Warner |
Director | Irfan Younas (Chair) |
Terms of Reference for Finance, Audit & Risk Committee
Membership: To consist of no fewer than three Directors including the Chair (or Vice Chair) of the Board of Directors (BoD).
The quorum is a minimum of three Directors.
Employees of the trust should not be audit committee members, but the accounting officer and chief financial officer should attend to provide information and participate in discussions.
The chair of trustees should not be chair of the audit committee. The Board of Directors shall appoint the Chair of the committee.
Where the audit committee is combined with another committee, employees should not participate as members when audit matters are discussed.
Meetings: Minimum one per term
Terms of Reference:
- Oversee the annual budget setting and propose the annual budget to the BoD
- Report regularly to the BoD on all financial matters
- Regularly monitor income and expenditure against budget, including reporting of any significant budget amendments
- Review and monitor all policies under the scope of the Finance Committee, as delegated by the BoD
- Ensure compliance with the trust’s financial policies and procedures, Best Value Statement and Academy Trust Handbook and ensure that financial control systems are robust
- Review the annual report and accounts, ensure compliance and recommend for approval to the BoD
- Ensure a strategic financial view of income, staffing, other expenditure and capital projects
- Authorise transactions in accordance with the Scheme of Delegated Financial Authority
The role of the audit committee, as set out in the Academy Trust Handbook, is to:
- report to the board on the adequacy of the trust’s internal control framework, including financial and non-financial controls and management of risks
- direct the trust’s programme of internal scrutiny
- ensure that risks are being addressed appropriately through internal scrutiny
- consider the results and quality of external audit.
Effectiveness of financial and other controls and risk management arrangements
- To review the effectiveness of financial and other control systems
- To oversee the academy’s policy on fraud and irregularity
- To ensure that all significant losses have been properly investigated and reported as appropriate, including notification to the ESFA of losses through fraud or theft in excess of £5,000
- To ensure capture of all business, pecuniary and family interests of members, trustees and senior employees
- To oversee the academy’s corporate governance arrangements including the code of practice for governing board members
- To monitor the academy’s arrangements to secure value for money
- To review the effectiveness of the trust’s risk management arrangements
- To review the risk register and contingency and business continuity plans
- To ensure adequate insurance cover is in place
- To consider reports from risk management audits and ensure reasonable recommendations are implemented
Internal scrutiny
The audit committee’s role must include directing the trust’s programme of internal scrutiny and reporting to the board on the adequacy of the trust’s financial and non-financial controls and management of risks. Internal scrutiny must be covered by a scheme of work, driven and agreed by the finance, audit & risk committee, and informed by risk. Oversight must extend to the financial and non-financial controls and risks at constituent academies.
The committee must:
- agree a programme of work annually to deliver internal scrutiny that provides coverage across the year
- review the ratings and responses on the risk register to inform the programme of work, ensuring checks are modified as appropriate each year
- agree who will perform the work
- consider reports at each meeting from those carrying out the programme of work
- consider progress in addressing recommendations
- consider outputs from other assurance activities by third parties including ESFA financial management and governance reviews, funding audits and investigations
- have access to the external auditor as well as those carrying out internal scrutiny, and consider their quality
- ensure information submitted to DfE and ESFA that affects funding, including pupil number returns and funding claims (for both revenue and capital grants) completed by the trust and by constituent academies, is accurate and in compliance with funding criteria
- make the findings of the internal scrutiny available to all trustees promptly.
External Audit
- To advise the BoD on the appointment and remuneration of external auditors and the scope of their work
- Receive reports from the auditors and determine any actions to be taken
- To ensure there is an appropriate, reasonable and timely response by the trust’s management team to findings by auditors, taking opportunities to strengthen systems of financial management and control.
Health & Safety
The committee has the following primary functions regarding H&S:
- Ensure all statutory Health and Safety obligations are met
- Review the Health and Safety policy and procedures for the Trust
- Review Risk Assessments and Action Plans
- Ensure termly walk arounds are completed by Governors and monitor action plans arising from these
- Ensure training plan is in place for staff and is up to date
- Consider the following elements in detail:
- Fire safety
- Water hygiene / legionella
- Asbestos
Appointment Name
Director Robert Lobatto
Director Catherine Da Silva
Director Charlotte Warner (Chair)
An external person
Terms of Reference for the Remuneration Committee
Tudor Park Multi Academy Trust is governed by a Board of Directors who are accountable to the Department for Education and have overall responsibility and ultimate decision making authority for all the work of the Trust, including the establishing and running of the academies operated by the Trust.
The following academies are currently operated by the Trust:
Springwest Academy;
Logic Studio School;
In order to assist with the discharge of their responsibilities, the Directors have established a Remuneration Committee. This committee is established pursuant to Articles 100 to 104 (inclusive) of the Articles of Association of the Trust.
The functions and proceedings of the Remuneration Committee shall be subject to these terms of reference, being the regulations made by the Directors in accordance with article 104 of the Articles.
The Directors may review these terms of reference at any time but shall review them at least annually.
These terms of reference may only be amended by the Board of Directors.
Constitution of the Remuneration Committee
The Remuneration Committee will constitute three Directors, one of whom is the Chair of the Board. During the performance management of the CEO the Remuneration Committee will also include an external person, as detailed in the proceedings.
Proceedings of the Remuneration Committee
The Remuneration Committee is established to ensure that remuneration arrangements support the strategic aims of the Trust, while also complying with the requirements of regulation. The quorum for the committee shall be two. The Board of Directors shall appoint the Chair of the committee. The committee can sit at any time, although it has two primary functions:
Pay Policy
The committee shall sit annually in October to formally agree the TPET Pay Policy. The committee will also endorse the Teachers Pay Review recommended by each AC. The Committee will brief the Board of Directors on the Teachers Pay Review.
Performance Management
The committee shall sit annually at the end of the calendar year to review the performance management of the CEO and TPET staff. The committee will include an external person agreed by the Board of Directors.
Delegated Powers
The powers delegated to the Remuneration Committee are detailed in the Scheme of Delegation which is agreed by the Board of Directors.
Appointment | Name |
Chair of Board | Charlotte Warner |
CEO | Steve Price (Chair) |
Chair of SA AC | Andy Watkins |
Principal SA | Simon Hart |
Chair Logic AC | Cormac Bourne |
Principal Logic | Alex Pett |
Finance Director | Ndullee Stevens |
Terms of Reference for the Executive Board
Tudor Park Multi Academy Trust is governed by a Board of Directors who are accountable to the Department for Education and have overall responsibility and ultimate decision making authority for all the work of the Trust, including the establishing and running of the academies operated by the Trust.
The following academies are currently operated by the Trust:
Springwest Academy;
Logic Studio School;
In order to assist with the discharge of their responsibilities, the Directors have established an Executive Board. This committee is established pursuant to Articles 100 to 104 (inclusive) of the Articles of Association of the Trust.
The functions and proceedings of the Executive Board shall be subject to these terms of reference, being the regulations made by the Directors in accordance with article 104 of the Articles.
The Directors may review these terms of reference at any time but shall review them at least annually.
These terms of reference may only be amended by the Board of Directors.
Constitution of the Executive Board
The Executive Board will constitute the Chair of the Board of Directors, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Academy Committee Chairs, the two school Principals, and the Finance Director.
Proceedings of the Executive Board
The Executive Board is established to ensure a more detailed analysis of the schools and their strategic management and shall be chaired by the CEO. The Executive Board sits to generate a greater understanding across the Trust, with all decisions recommended to the Board of Directors. The board can sit at any time, although meetings will be forecast annually. The board has the following primary functions:
- Review the Scheme of Delegation annually
- Review student and staff wellbeing
- Review the progress against development plans, including Trust growth, which can be done through a separate meeting and will include a Member.
Delegated Powers
The powers delegated to the Executive Board are detailed in the Scheme of Delegation which is agreed by the Board of Directors. As a non-decision making committee the Executive Board does not currently have any delegated powers.