Having a clear and strategic direction is the first important step in any journey to success. We believe that it is important to share this plan with our community to make clear what we set out to achieve. Below is an outline of the development plan for this year, if you feel you can support us in any way then please do get in contact with us.
Growing our Trust
TPET Strategic Growth Plan 2021 – 2026
Flexible and adaptable
- Locally focussed family of schools
- 5 – 10 schools
- Shared values and passions
- Outward facing encouraging involvement in wider local partnerships and families of schools
Quality Assurance and Improvement
- Support strong curriculum intent and implementation across both schools
- Develop QA reviews to support Senior and Middle Leaders in preparing for Deep Dives
- Review our risk assessment systems
- Review and improve our QA reporting to LGB and Directors
- Strengthen and support new leadership development across both schools
Culture and Ethos
- Enhance our communication strategies to ensure greater ownership – LGB and Board level
- Replan our work with Local Employers to create greater opportunity
- Review and collate a clear road map of actions to support equality diversity and inclusion
Systems and Processes
- Review and further develop the Scheme of Delegation
- Board and LGB Self Review Process to be enhanced
- Introduce additional audit with local partner school with academic processes rather than purely financial processes
- Support new Leadership teams in evaluating their communications
- Develop Year Timetable of Communication
Services Offer
Review quality of services offer provided to partners.